Wednesday, April 18, 2012

every night, we'll watch the stars

it took a bit long just to open this page skru you that-certain-ISP kayaknya minta disumpahin bangkrut? gadeng maaf sodara-sodara tp plis cepetan kek what is wrong with you guys these days

quick update! snap snap.
talking about snap. a friend of mine likes snapping her fingers a lot i told her it's an annoying habit (actually everything she does is) and then there came a time when she and I teamed up being relawanrscm. she snapped her fingers few times in front of a patient we just found after wandering hopelessly around there.

this week's been most peaceful times since I joined that thing. feels so good can it just stay like this!!!!

biomol's absurd banget. udah segitu aja gamo ngeluh ekekeke.

and yes REVENGE! my current fave tv show. waiting for the 17th episode to be aired on 18th. di amerika sono tapi. ok akukan menanti meski harus penantian panjaaaaaang.

I also wrote a letter, which I hadn't been done for a loooooooooong time. the person I wrote it for should be thankful really!!!!! especially because I didn't know that person at all. but before that person gets the chance to read it, I spilled some water on it and the ink faded :( sad and relieved at the same time, because I still didn't know whether I should send it. However I do really hope that person eventually gets the messages.

good night. goodbye. good luck.

2 blasts:

Sasha Fierce said...

surat? minta dibikin drama banget?

ynv said...

sasapirs urusin ipyblue dulugih sana udh ganti popok belom