Saturday, July 25, 2009

doe. silver doe.

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A little smile twisted Snape’s mouth when she said his name.
“Tell me about the dementors again.”
“What d’you want to know about them for?”
“If I use magic outside school – ”
“They wouldn’t give you to the dementors for that! Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff. They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban. You’re not going to end up in Azkaban, you’re too – ”

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beethoven, Bach, Bhrams—dead

"Composer" is a word which here means "a person who sits in a room, muttering and humming and figuring out what notes the orchestra is going to play."
This is called composing.

But last night, the Composer was not muttering.
He was not humming.
He was not moving, or even breathing.
This is called decomposing.

she brightens up my days ♥♥♥

it's great having a friend like you, fi

gak kebayang kalo kita pisah sekolah
dia itu ngangenin banget loh
ini aja kangen gue sekarang
suhahuhuasuhashu geli juge

terus dia itu lucu loh
cuma nenek bejerembreng yang gak ketawa denger dia ngelawak
terus kita pernah bikin rekaman bareng
buat jaga-jaga kalo gue kangen kalo beda sekolah ashuashuashuhua

oiya dia mau dioperasi loh tulangnya
doain ya
biar gak liuk-liuk terus tuh suahasuhauhuashuhus


Sunday, April 19, 2009

big bird

found this when randomly read some blogs, looks kinda interesting, i tried then. ya ya.

You are Silver Pegasus type, who looks active, and gives an impression of being a tom-boy.
You are extremely cheerful and good natured.
You can easily get emotional and start crying, you are rather too soft hearted.
Also, you are very obstinate and simple minded.
You easily give up on things and have weak will power to finish what you have started.
You tend to be sarcastic and critical, but on the other hand, you can show great devotion and dedication.
Your attitude lacks steadiness, and is always changing.
You always worry about what the other people are thinking and can be bit too sensitive.
But you are a person who naturally becomes a center of everything.
Your fast movement earns people's respect.
You have a natural born leader type of talent.
You will struggle on the contradiction between your ideals and real world.
You may end up doing something beyond one's imagination, so you must try to have self-control.
If you are opposed by someone, and although you know that they are right, you can not take it in easily.
You will be more successful if you can try not to go against people around you.
You tend to give too much attention to your family than to your lover.
This may cause a trouble in that your lover may feel jealous about you being too affectionate to your family than to him.
You should not force your convenience to him, and try to give him more affection.
You are more suited as a career person than to stay at home.
But once you get married you will take care of your family with great affection.

sooooo these are my resultsssss. curious with yours? CLICK--DON'T WINK ;3
